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Cheap stay in oasis towns

The Oasis Route: Discover the Oasis Cities of Tunisia

Tunisia is much more than just Mediterranean coastline and sandy beaches. At the heart of this fascinating country lies a hidden treasure: oasis towns.

1. The Oasis Route: This iconic road crosses the Tunisian desert, connecting several fascinating oases.

2. Tozeur: Our journey begins in Tozeur, an oasis renowned for its palm groves, troglodyte houses and rich cultural history.

3. Nefta : Near Tozeur is Nefta, an oasis town famous for its charming souk and delicious dates.

4. Douz : Nicknamed 'the gateway to the desert,' Douz is an ideal starting point for desert excursions, including camel treks.

5. Kebili: Explore Kebili and its lush palm groves, with the opportunity to kayak on the salt lakes.

6. Tataouine: Known for its cave houses and its role in the Star Wars saga, Tataouine is an unmissable stop.

7. Matmata : Take a detour to Matmata to visit the troglodyte houses and discover the fascinating history of this region.

8. Chott El Jerid: Tunisia's largest salt lake is an impressive spectacle of salt and sand.

9. 4x4 excursions: Enjoy exciting 4x4 excursions to explore the desert landscapes.

10. Meeting with the Locals: Meet local people, learn about their traditions and taste authentic local cuisine.

Lorsque vous voyagez avec Mosaique Travel, vous avez l'opportunité de parcourir la Route des Oasis et de découvrir les merveilles cachées de la Tunisie. Cette aventure vous transportera dans un monde de beauté naturelle et de culture ancienne, vous laissant avec des souvenirs inoubliables.

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